Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Way out west!

I departed Darwin at the end of last week and travelled 12 hours south west to the small town of Kununurra. Have changed State and time zone again too and am now in Western Australia (7 hours ahead of UK). The journey also involved a stop at the quarantine checkpoint on the border of WA where all fruit and veg have to be surrendered or a fine of $10,000 applies. And as we discovered, the quarantine inspectors leave no stone unturned in the search for rogue vegies, as apparent by the dismantled truck next to us at the checkpoint. You can only imagine my horror upon arrival in Kununurra when I opened my food bag to discover I had inadvertantly smuggled through a whole bulb of garlic! Luckily I managed to destroy the evidence (in a nice pasta sauce) before the cops caught up with me!

So am still here in Kununurra and on Monday did my first full day's work in over 3 months!! Yes the time has come to replenish the funds and I have got myself A JOB!! Am working in a coffee shop here, although it was not until I began that I discovered the extent of the nutritional horrors that were to unfold - main task is increasing rates of heart disease through selling deep fried everything to obese people and children, low point so far was small toddler given fanta and fried chicken at 7:30am! So have implemented a secret strategy to improve the diets of Kununurrians (code name: operation lettuce). Cannot go into details but involves Derren Brown type subliminal messages and I am closely monitoring sales of chips for improvements...

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